Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Quick Test For My Blog


No spell check was done. Either Blog Spot is stupid, or that's a real word.


But when I type random letters without a period, it does a spell check.

Blog Spot, you are dumb, but I still like you.

An "OH MY GOD!" Moment

This weekend, my dad, his girlfriend and I went to the shore. On Saturday night, we went to a local bar to see The Mullets, a band that we personally know. The show was great and I was having a really good time... Until my asthma started to act up. I stupidly left my inhaler at home because I didn't think that I'd need it. Little did I know that all of the windows would have plastic over them and everyone in the bar would be smoking. At first, I had a small cough, and thought that it'd go away, then I started to wheeze. It was then when we decided to leave the bar and go back to where we were staying. As we walked to the car, I couldn't stop wheezing and I got very light headed. I was on the brink of passing out, but I managed to catch my breath, and my coughing slowly went away (thank god!). After many cups of cold water and a good night's sleep, I was alright by morning. Well, follower, this was my "OH MY GOD!" moment.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

New Production Group

Hey there, my one current follower (who is also my sister. Read her blog. But don't stop reading mine. Read her's later. Or open a new tab. Read both at the same time.)! I'm just giving an update on my film shenanigans. You can expect to see me working with Zonk Effect on YouTube as an actor. Can't say that there's an 100% chance that I'll be working with them, but it's a very high chance! Probably a 98.8% chance. I'll tell you more when I know more!