Friday, August 12, 2011

I Might Never Walk Near "Hunter Gatherer" Again

Martin and Charlotte: *Walk down the street*
Distant Voice: FUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Martin and Charlotte: *Exchange confused looks and keep walking*
Martin: AH!!! *Gets lifted and flailed around by a stranger*
Stranger: *Drops Martin*
Martin: *Turns around*
Fabio and Joey: What's up. dude?

Bamboozled again....

Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Mad Rap

Yo, my name is Martin, but don't get me wrong,
I don't sit around fartin' all day long,
I rock out tough, cause I'm a real boss,
You ain't friends with me? Well that's your loss.

I know I'm white, but that don't mean that I can't rap,
But even when I really try, it all sounds like crap
Cause I ain't got skills like them homeboys do
Therefore, my raps all sound like poo.

BUT HEY! I don't care how my raps sound
Cause my mad rappin skills make yer head go round
And if you disagree, then you're in for some fun
I'll knock ya to the ground with the butt of my gun!

I roll around my hood with my homies by my side
But we never leave the neighborhood in which we reside
Cause them bigger gangs will kill us with their mighty powers
And dispose of our bodies within an hour

Now listen up fellas, I don't need to curse
because those terrible words will screw up my verse
But god damn, nigga, why can't you see?
Those shitty assed words don't work with me!

Well, I guess it's bout time that I wrap this up,
and Tell yo mamas that I said "wassup"
Cause I'm heading out to rap in bigger places
Imma be melting off some homeboys faces

Peace, I'm out.

I've Got Some 'Splainin To Do

As you can see, I posted a crap ton of pictures and comics that I drew. That's because I kept forgetting to post them and they piled up. Check em out! Gimme your opinions!


Team Spartan Ads

I showed these to the kids at my school in attempt to get Facebook fans. It kinda worked.

STICK Halo: Reach - The Only Cool Thing About Elites

STICK Halo: Reach - Chief's Return

STICK Left 4 Dead - A Bill and His Passing

STICK Characters

Stickman versions of video game characters.

Robot Ninja Pirates

Roads Less Traveled

This is NOT Toad Road!!!

Random Random Random Random Etc.

Go Team Spartan!

A poem I wrote to piss off my friend. It worked... >=)



Mind of Martin

A doodle by me. My friend, Ryane, colored it. Many thanks to her!

Martin Da Spartan

A shotty picture of me in Halo armor. I love being a geek. ^_^

Mario and The Chief


Mmmmmmmm.... Delicious....

Left 4 Dumb

The title says it all.

Jordan vs. Hunter the Smallest Robot

Another comic for my friend Jordan. This one is more of an inside joke, but still fun to read.

Jordan of the (Wedding) Ring

A comic I made for a friend. It's a Lord of the Rings parody because she absolutely loves LotR.

Dokey Kong: Super Squirrel Edition

Donkey Kong, with a MartinHacker-Mullen twist.

Makala Needs a New Dentist

A comic I made in response to a story I was told.
NOTE: This comic is not actually how the event happened. It is simply my own interpretation of the story with a more comical twist. All characters in the story are based on actual people and are recreated by me... Poorly. Please enjoy.
To see a larger version of the comic, click on the image shown above.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Somebody Wrote About Me

Hey, fools. My friend wrote about me. Check out the story, yo. Then maybe follow her blog.

My Major Comeback to Blogspot

Martin: *sits at computer*
Mom: *Walks by. Looks at Martin*
Mom: Don't go on any kinky websites
Martin: Umm... Yes ma'am...

Friday, May 6, 2011

And Your Bird Can Sing

Well, kids, I have a Twitter. Shoot me if you want to, but it had to be done. "Why?" you may ask? I haven't got a clue, but I was right. It is mega lame... Oh well. Follow me if you want.!/MartinHackerMln

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Quick Test For My Blog


No spell check was done. Either Blog Spot is stupid, or that's a real word.


But when I type random letters without a period, it does a spell check.

Blog Spot, you are dumb, but I still like you.

An "OH MY GOD!" Moment

This weekend, my dad, his girlfriend and I went to the shore. On Saturday night, we went to a local bar to see The Mullets, a band that we personally know. The show was great and I was having a really good time... Until my asthma started to act up. I stupidly left my inhaler at home because I didn't think that I'd need it. Little did I know that all of the windows would have plastic over them and everyone in the bar would be smoking. At first, I had a small cough, and thought that it'd go away, then I started to wheeze. It was then when we decided to leave the bar and go back to where we were staying. As we walked to the car, I couldn't stop wheezing and I got very light headed. I was on the brink of passing out, but I managed to catch my breath, and my coughing slowly went away (thank god!). After many cups of cold water and a good night's sleep, I was alright by morning. Well, follower, this was my "OH MY GOD!" moment.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

New Production Group

Hey there, my one current follower (who is also my sister. Read her blog. But don't stop reading mine. Read her's later. Or open a new tab. Read both at the same time.)! I'm just giving an update on my film shenanigans. You can expect to see me working with Zonk Effect on YouTube as an actor. Can't say that there's an 100% chance that I'll be working with them, but it's a very high chance! Probably a 98.8% chance. I'll tell you more when I know more!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Like Me

Potential Band

My sister, her boyfriend, and I are considering starting an electropop band called Electric Flower Cart. It's said to be like Crystal Castle, except 10 times better. I'll keep you informed about that and my actual band, Luigi Takes The Lead. [ ]


Herrow! Yesterday, I spent the night at my sister's house. Now, seeing that my sister is in college, you'd probably think that we were doing all sorts of amazing things, but amazing doesn't really describe it, even though I had a good time. My night was like this:

After eating dinner with my sister and my mom, my sister and I headed for the university's gym in hopes of climbing the rock wall. However, I'm not 18 years old (yet), so they didn't let us in. Since that plan failed, we picked up her boyfriend and departed for the nearest Books-A-Million. I made my way over to the comics in hopes of finding the first Scott Pilgrim book, which I did... After reading at least half of book four... Not a wise choice... After spending a few hours in the book store, the three of us went to dog-sit for some people my sister works for. That's when things started to get bad. The dogs we had to watch were very stupid, and smelled like they hadn't bathed in years. While we tried to watch TV or play a board game (because the people's kids don't have an video games), those dumb dogs were trying to eat food out of the pantry or they were rubbing their stank on us. Joy... Then, I got the pleasure of sleeping in the living room with the dogs. Even though I had the TV, I would've like to have the dog-free room with a bed. After falling asleep around 2 and waking up early enough to have Pikachu be my first sight of the new day, we cleaned the house up and left (thank god!). We returned to my sister's place and ate breakfast with her best friend and boyfriend. Then, we walked our dogs, who are intelligent, well behaved, and clean, along the river. For lunch, we went to Moe's for Moe's Monday, the best burrito day ever. Aaaaaaand, I believe that brings us to now. Now is me sitting in the basement of the building where her class is trying to make 2 and a half hours go by fast. Well, now that you know of my whereabouts, I'm gonna do something else.

Until next time. 
Peace out.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Video Game Review: Borderlands

Well, I just beat the popular video game "Borderlands." It was amazing. Here are some key things:

1)Visual Arts - I noticed a lot of people complaining about the game's "terrible graphics," but in my opinion, the game doesn't have graphics. It has wonderful, creative, and imaginative art.

2) Story - Holy $#!+. The plot of this RPG is to go across a massive planet called Pandora (try and guess where Avatar stole the name Pandora from...) in search of an ancient treasure in a place called "The Vault." The thing is, The Vault can only be opened once every 200 years, so this is your only chance to do what you've wanted to do all of your life. Even after The Vault is done with, the game still isn't over! There's still a ton of missions to do and between 3 and 4 GB of DLC to keep you occupied!

3) Characters - Well, guess what? THERE ARE A LOT OF PEOPLE ON A PLANET! Then again, not all of them fit into the story... So let's put it this way. The playable characters are Roland the Soldier, Mordecai the Hunter, Lilith the Siren, and Brick the Beserker. Helping you get closer to The Vault and supplying you with info about it and its guardians is the job of Guardian Angel, an all-knowing AI that orbits Pandora in a satellite. In addition to those five, you also have your trusty Claptrap, which is a robot, and others, like Dr. Zed and T.K. Baha, to give you missions so that you won't get bored. There are a few main enemies in this game, like 9-Toes and Sledge, who are either just trying to stop you from getting closer to The Vault or actually hold pieces to The Vault's key, so if you see a mission with a name of someone that is wanted dead, do it!

4) Enemies - Aside from the main bosses, the enemies are mostly the same, like most games. However, as you get stronger or play with 2 or more people, the enemies get stronger, making it a never ending challenge! ... Until you reach the highest level... then there isn't much of a challenge... Anyway, killing an enemy could result in it dropping an item! Items include guns, shields, money, health, and player upgrades.

5) Weapons - With hundreds and maybe even thousands of different guns scattered across Pandora, you shouldn't have trouble finding one that suits you. Guns include machine guns, snipers, shotguns, repeater pistols, revolvers, combat rifles, rocket launchers, and even alien guns! You also are supplied with grenades. All weapons (except for melee ones) are upgradeable. Most upgrades are for how much ammo you can carry, but there are ones that increase things like magazine size and damage.

My Rating - I f***ing loved this game. Personally, I give it an 11 out of 10.

The Blog!!!!

Hellooooo! I'm Martin, and this is my blog. Here, you will learn about my adventures, hear my opinions on things, and get updates on my productions (music, movies, etc.). If this is what you would like to know, then this blog is right for you! If not, get the hell out of here or you will implode. Thank you, come again.